"All in all, I'm your basic millennial and an old soul all at the same time. I don't believe in categories and I'm a book full of surprises". 

My Story

Love for Fashion, Pets & Food


I'm an influencer focused on sharing my experiences and expertise with the world and to learn from everyone willing to be a friend. I love new adventures. I have to say skydiving was the best experience ever, yet anything from zip lines, climbing down buildings or just constant traveling to see our country and world are just some of my favorite things. 

Family truly is everything for me, even when they make me want to pull my hair out. I have a great boyfriend who couldn't be a better partner in crime. We have a dog/child who is an 8-month-old chihuahua, her name is Kokho. Which leads me to prove that whomever created the phrase "working like a dog" never met a dog like Kokho, because if we could I would trade lives with that little stinker. 

I'm from Peru, so never fight me about any other food being the best in the world, because I will show you the articles that proof Peru as the culinary leader in the world for 3 years in a row. Plus, just try some of our plates and you'll have a full foodgasm. 

My interest in fashion led me to start my own clothing line with my mom, yet with the craziness of life and other prioritized interests, I haven't made the time to continue with that. If you walk into my closets (yes that is plural) you will realize how much I love fashion. 

Giving back is such a necessity, I always find ways to give back on my own or with family and friends, but if you ever have a volunteer project, let me know 🙂 

All in all, I'm your basic millennial and an old soul all at the same time. I don't believe in categories and I'm a book full of surprises. 

I was born in Lima, Peru which led me to go to school in two different countries all year round throughout my childhood. I went to middle and high school in West Jordan, Utah and attended the University of Utah graduating with a B.A. In communications and minor in nutrition. 

Fluent in English and Spanish, led me to work in Salt Lake City as an anchor and reporter for Telemundo
Utah. I loved working as a journalist and being able to share with the community. I also anchored the weather and the morning segment 'Un Nuevo Utah'. 

I'm currently the Chief Operating Officer for September Group LLC. I had been September’s communications director and specialist in Latino outreach. I also worked with several Congressional campaigns, ultimately going to Washington, D. C., and working in a Congressional office. 

I've managed and continue to manage various social media campaigns for businesses, politicians, political campaigns, personal accounts and a political blog. 

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